Pursuing an MBA is a big decision to make! Beside investing your valuable time and money, you need to fulfil the demanding entry requirements. The thought of going through all these hassles might make you wonder that is MBA really that important?
What if we can help you earn an MBA without going through all these tedious processes?
Douglas Business School offers online MBA that can be completed in 12 months! Not only it is affordable, but most importantly is you can study anytime, anywhere, all on your own schedule!
If you’re planning to stand out in today’s competitive business world, we believe MBA is ESSENTIAL! 今日の競争の激しいビジネスの世界で目立ちたいなら、MBAが不可欠であると言えます。
Here are the top 4 reasons why it is important for you to pursue MBA.
1. Develop Managerial Skills.

An MBA education is usually pursued by young professionals with a minimum of two years of work experience or those skilled employees that feel up to the challenge. After some time in the working life, it is in the human nature to feel secure and reluctant to step out of the comfort zone.
MBAs and their connected specializations will teach you a lot about everything that makes a company move further. Studying an MBA forces you to get out of your comfort zone, deal with the latest issues in international business, apply the newest management techniques, and constantly challenge and improve yourself.
2. Expand Your Network

As an MBA student, you have unlimited networking opportunities. You’ll get to know and interact in a context that highlights your business management capabilities with colleagues, professors and teaching staff. You gain access to the extensive alumni network of that particular MBA programme. Your connections will give you a great overview of the business world, and a deep understanding of the slightest changes in the business environment. You can reflect on some big business issues and make connections between various global events and world affairs. It will change the way you see the world.
3. Better Chances for a Higher Salary
3. より高い給与を得るチャンス

Nowadays it is common for people to acquire for high-paying jobs over job satisfaction. But what if you have the opportunity to own money and satisfaction at the same time?
The average salary for an MBA graduate is considerably higher compared to the salary of an employee with a regular degree qualification. You can expect to earn twice as much as what you would expect to earn from a regular university degree.
4. Start Your Own Business
4. 自分で起業する

Many students choose to pursue MBA because they want to become entrepreneurs and learn how to run a successful business. They have creative ideas and a big dream but do not have the skills to turn them into reality. By pursuing an MBA programme will help you acquire the knowledge and business practices that are needed to start a new business or help an existing business grow and develop.
Stop thinking and start doing. Call us now to find out more about our online MBA programme. It’s never too late to learn.